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Data Cabling Services

Why Do You Still Need Data Cabling Services?

Discover why data cabling services are still essential despite the rise of Wi-Fi technology. Contact us today at 1-866-417-3945for expert data cabling installation.

With wireless networking peripherals readily available, why would there be a need for onsite data cabling services nowadays? With the prevalence of Wi-Fi these days, people are starting to wonder about the benefits of still using wired connections to gain access to the other computers on their networks. There are plenty of advantages that data cabling networks have over wireless ones, and you should consider them when choosing which ones to use in your home. Onsite IT Support Services

Reliable Connections:

Some things can affect the quality of a wireless connection, like static emanating from the appliances around the house, walls, floors, and ceilings. When you need to reset the connection, you also have to wait for your router to restart. The shielded cables used in wired connections are not as prone to interference as Wi-Fi, thus enabling them to provide faster and more reliable network connections.

Today’s internet connections have already reached gigabit speeds, which wireless networking equipment still cannot fully use. When your network is using the latest in terms of cabling, like the relatively new cat6a cables, gigabit connection speeds are no problem at all.


The problem with the current Wi-Fi technology is that anyone, particularly skilled with computers, can intercept and hack their signals. Even if you use data encryption so unauthorized people cannot gain access to your network, there are still a lot of vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit to get around the safeguards you have in place.

A shielded networking cable shares a single connection to a computer to which no other workstation can gain access unless the user explicitly allows it. So, if you value your privacy and online security, which you must surely do, then you need to install low-voltage data cabling in your home.

You do not have to choose between wireless and cable networking systems. You can install them side-by-side. This way, you have access to ultra-high-speed data connections provided by your ISP and still have the convenience of using your handheld devices while at home. So contact your area’s nearest Onsite IT Support Services and have them lay out a cable net.

For more information about Nationwide Onsite IT Support Services, Data Cabling services please contact us toll-free at 1-866-417-3945 and for Professional Starlink Installation Services at1-888-973-9855.